Monday, March 17, 2008

Ethan Canin, M.D.

I'm on Spring Break from law school right now, and in between studying for Civil Procedure I've been reading Ethan Canin's short story collection, The Palace Thief. It's fantastic from the first line, which is from the story "The Accountant." I'll give it to you here:

"I am an accountant, that calling of exactitude and scruple, and my crime was small."

Damn. That is one of the best first lines I've ever read. Simple and perfect. Of course now you want to know what the crime is. Go read all of the collection. Apparently the title story has been made into a film starring Kevin Kline (it's all over the cover of the most recent edition of the book), but I've neither seen it nor heard of it before I picked up the book. Needless to say, I can't vouch for the film.

Canin is also a remarkable interviewee. Check that out here.